Friday, November 30, 2007

Revision of Research Paper

How I plan to revise my Research paper:
1) give my paper to another person to read and revise and what they think is wrong
2) make sure all qoutes are qouted right
3) Check bibliography
4) make sure all paragraphs make sense to the main point
5) lastly I want another person besides the first one to read it after I have revised it once and to do steps 1-4 all over again just to double check!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Summary-Annotated Bibliography

Overall my annotatons were said to be written very well, I did forget to post my introdcution with my annotations so it was a bit confusing to understand the main point to my topic. I did print a version with an introduction. I think personally I need more sources of books and I did not use the school nurse as one of my annotations so I will in my final research paper. I as well think the orgnization in my annotations was a bit consfusing so I should rearrange and rephrase sentences a little bit better for understanding purposes.